Hard copies of all policies are available to read on request at the office. Most of these policies can also be downloaded below.
As a Victorian Government school, we adhere to the policies and guidelines as described in the Department of Education website.
Processes and procedures in place to support students diagnosed as being at risk of suffering from anaphylaxis
Information about how our school builds a positive school culture, actively working to prevent bullying
The Child Safe Standards require organisations involving children to have policies, procedures and practices to keep them safe
Policy describing the complaints process at Tate Street Primary School
The non-delegable duty of care obligations of all staff at Tate Street Primary School
Department policy outlining requirements for receiving or providing gifts, benefits and hospitality
Explaining the processes that ensure the safe provision of medication to students
2025 Curriculum Contributions
Department policy outlining how information about students is shared
Provides information about uniform purchase and support, dress code and implementation.
This financial support ensures that we can continue to provide the excellent range of facilities and resources for your children
Outlining supervision and yard duty responsibilities all staff
Ensuring that students diagnosed with asthma are appropriately supported
Policy describing how we ensure the safety and welfare of students when engaged in off-site activities
Demonstrating our school's commitment to creating and maintaining a child safe and child friendly organisation
Curriculum plan showing how the curriculum will be organised and implemented
Our school's approach to first aid for students
Ensuring that every member of our school community is treated with respect and dignity
Requirements and expectations related to student use of mobile phones during school hours
Ensuring that special or valuable items of personal property are not brought to school
Explaining our commitment to providing a safe and supportive learning environment.
Explaining the values of our school community and explaining the vision, mission and objectives of our school
Ensuring that all volunteers and visitors have met Working with Children Clearance requirements
Policy about attendance expectations and processes
Explaining the management, operation and use of closed circuit television
The Child Safe Standards require organisations involving children to have policies, procedures and practices to keep them safe
Policy covering student safety and wellbeing when using the internet
An overview of the school's approach to fundraising
Outlining the processes and procedures to support students with health care needs at school
Department policy outlining parent payment requests and financial help available
Explaining how we collect, use and disclose photographs, videos and recordings of students
Encouraging behaviours to minimise the risk of skin and eye damage and skin cancers
Department policy outlining information on visiting school grounds
Ensuring that all employees, volunteers and visitors meet the VIT and WWCC requirements